Registration Terms of Service


Dear user, you are welcome to register as users of this website. In the pre-registration please read the following Terms of Service:
The parties to the agreement-based service sites and users of this site, the service agreement is contractual effect.
You acknowledge that the service agreement, the service agreement is between you and the legal effect of this site. Please be sure to read carefully before registering all the services agreement, if any doubt, consult to the site.
No matter whether you are in fact read carefully before registration of the service agreement, under the original agreement as long as you click the "Register" button and follow the success of this site registered as a user registration process, your behavior is still, you agree to and sign the service agreement .
1. This site recognition and acceptance of the Terms of Service
This web site services to the ownership and operation of the right of the site owners.
2. User must:
(1) the Internet with the necessary equipment, including personal computer, modem or other access devices necessary.
(2) their own personal online payment service with the cost of telephone and network costs.
3. Users of this site shall not be issued the following trading platform on illegal information:
(1) against the Constitution established the basic principles;
(2) jeopardize national security, leaking state secrets, subverts the government, undermining national unity;
(3) harm national honor and interests;
(4) to incite ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, undermining national unity;
(5) to undermine national and religious policies or preach evil cults and feudal superstition;
(6) to spread rumors, disturbs social order or undermines social stability;
(7) spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide, terror or instigate crimes;
(8) insult or slander others, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests;
(9) contains the laws and administrative regulations prohibit the other content.
4. Personal Data
User agrees to:
(1) provide timely, detailed and accurate personal information.
(2) agree to receive information from this site.
(3) update the registration information with timely, detailed and accurate requirements. All the original type of information will be used for registration information.
(4) The site does not open the user's name, address, e-mail and write the following exceptions:
(A) authorized users of this Web site to disclose such information.
(B) the corresponding legal and procedural requirements of the website user's personal information. If the information provided contains incorrect information, the end user to use this site to retain information on this website service qualifications.
5 registered users should choose stability and security is relatively good e-mail, and agree to accept and read this site e-mail sent to users of all kinds. If users do not e-mail received from their e-mail or by e-mail user or users to receive and read e-mail questions to the program itself can not properly receive or read e-mail, as long as the success of this site send e-mail, should be regarded as user has received the relevant e-mail. E-mail on the server of the letter issued by the record time as delivery time.
6. Terms of Service changes
The website reserves the right to modify the terms of service when necessary, once the terms of the change in web services, will be an important page in the prompt changes. If you do not agree to change the content, the user can take the initiative to abolish access to this website information service. If you continue to enjoy this website information service is deemed to have accepted the terms of service changes. The website reserves the right to modify or discontinue the service without notifying the user rights. This site exercise the right to modify or discontinue the service, without the user or any third party.
7. User privacy system
Respect for personal privacy is a basic policy of this website. Therefore, this site will not be without legal authority when users open, edit or reveal their registration information and stored in the non-public website, unless there are legal or licensing requirements on the basis of this website in good faith that the information disclosed In the following four conditions are necessary:
(1) comply with the law, to comply with the site legal services program.
(2) maintain ownership of the trademarks on this website.
(3) act in urgent circumstances to safeguard personal privacy and public safety.
(4) meet other requirements.
This site owned retaining members exercise the right demographic analysis.
8. The user's account, password and security
Once you have successfully registered as a user, you will receive a password and account. If you do not protect your account and password security, will bear full responsibility. In addition, each user must account fully responsible for all activities and events. You can always change your password according to the instructions, you can also end the old account open a new account. Users agree that if any illegal use of account or other breach of security, please notice this site.
9. Refused to provide guarantees
User expressly agrees the use of information services by the users of personal risk. This site does not guarantee services will not be interrupted, the timeliness of service, security, mistakes do not occur for security, but will be within the ability to avoid making mistakes.
10. Co., Ltd.
This site for any direct, indirect, incidental, special and damage from the irresponsible, the damage from: improper use of this site, or users to send information does not meet the provisions. These acts may result in damage to the image of the website, so this site prior to the possibility of such damage, but will try to avoid the occurrence of such damage.
11. Information storage and limit
This site is determined whether the user's behavior on this website terms of service requirements and spirit of the rights, if the user violates the terms of service of this website, this website have the right to interrupt its service account.
12. User Management
Users must follow:
(1) the use of information services for illegal purposes.
(2) does not interfere with or confusion network services.
(3) comply with all the network services agreement, requirements, procedures and practices. Code of Conduct is based on the user's Internet regulations, policies, procedures and practices as a basis.
13. Guarantee
Users agree to protect and safeguard the interests of all members of this site, responsible for the payment by the user beyond the scope of services due to legal fees, violating terms of service, compensation for damage to other users who use the computer, account and other intellectual property rights of recourse costs.
14. End of service
User or the website at any time based on the actual situation of one or more interrupt service. This site not to any individual or third party at any time interrupt service. Users who object to the proposed terms of any service or modify the terms of the later objection or dissatisfied with the services of this website, users can exercise the following rights:
(1) no longer use this website information service.
(2) notify the user of the site to stop the service.
End user services, users of this website the right to immediately suspend service. Since then, users have no right, this site has no obligation to send any pending or completed services to the users or third parties.
15. Notice
All notices can be sent to the user through the important pages of notices or e-mail or regular mail delivery. Terms of service changes, service changes, or other important events notices will be conducted.
16. Ownership of content
This site definition information includes: text, software, sound, photographs, video, graphics; in the ad content; this website to provide users with additional information. All content is protected by copyrights, trademarks, labels and other property ownership laws. Therefore, the user can only advertiser on this site and the authorization to use such content, but not unauthorized copying, recycled content, or create content-related derivative products.
17. Legal
Information on this website terms of service consistent with the interpretation of the laws of the PRC. Users and the site agreed to submit to the site location of the jurisdiction of the court having jurisdiction. In the event of the Site Terms of Service and the People's Republic contrary to law, these provisions will be required by law to re-interpret, while other provisions are still maintain the user's binding.


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