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SCS-4000-T - Single Mode Fiber coupler working station
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SCS-4000-T - Single Mode Fiber coupler working station

SCS-4000-T - Single Mode Fiber coupler working station

  • Product Code:SCS-4000-T
  • Item:SCS-4000-T
  • Brand:OELABS




  • SCS-4000 FBT System is a custom-made tapering station which integrates the technology of optics, electronics, mechanics and computer. Except for making standard singlemode and multimode fiber components on this station, it can be improved to be PM fiber coupler station, LMA fiber combiner station, SM/MM fiber tapering station.
  • This tapering system is widely used fiber laser developing, fiber sensor and biomedical and Micro-Laser Research and Telecommunication.


Software Features

  • Parameters storage and printing in format
  • Expand to torch head scanning range in order to satisfy this tapering length
  • Drawing speed setting according to tapering length
  • Control this flowing of oxygen and hydrogen according to tapering length
  • Smaller Splitting ratio exactly collecting



Hardware Features

• Designing hybrid Torch head with inner oxygen input and outer hydrogen input,in order to assure heating stably and increase heating temperature

• Custom-made fiber holder for fiber tightly holding

• Flow meter chosen on fiber diameter used

• Detector chosen on working wavelength used

• Torch head size and fixture made on tapering requirements

• Platform Size designing on tapering length, in order to assure max heating Length

• Optional: CCD imaging collecting system integrated , which is for assisting in inspecting the fiber axis alignment or fiber tapering process


Internal schematic

Electronics units 



Main Frame

Drawing precision:

0.2 μm

Drawing speed:

0.2—10000 μm/s

Drawing distance(max):

50 mm

Holding fiber diameter:



700 mm×480 mm×260 mm

Heating Unit

Torch scanning range

0-20 mm

Moving Speed

0-4 mm/s

Gas used

Hydrogen ( or Oxygen)

Hydrogen flowing

0-500 SCCM

Oxygen flowing

0-200 SCCM

Optics Unit


InGaAs: 1100-1700 nm


Si : 400-1000 nm, Ge:1000-1800 nm

Laser Source

(Optional):1310/1550 nm benchtop laser source (1 mW)


UV lamp is offered when you choose the UV bond.

Specification For Fused Components - Standard Singlemode fiber coupler

Working wavelength

1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1310/1550 nm

Excess loss

<0.2 dB



+/-20 nm, +/-40 nm

Coupling Ratio

1—99% , Error: ±2% for 50:50

Packaging Size

<50 mm

Ordering information:



PM fiber coupler station


larger core size fiber coupler/combiner station


SM fiber tapering station

Main Software Interface

Figure 1-1 "Main Menu" window

Figure 1-2 "Parameter Setting" Window

Figure 1-3 "Fusion and Tapering Production" window

Figure 1-4 " Position Adjustment" Window


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