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PID - Perimeter Intrusion Detection Alarm System
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PID - Perimeter Intrusion Detection Alarm System

  • Product Code:PID
  • Item:PID
  • Brand:OELABS
  • Sales Price:
  • PDF document: PID
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Key Features and Advantages:
  • Linear reduction,intelligent mode identification
  • Defense area passive,with no power supply and normal running on outage
  • High prevention level,with low rate of false/failure alarm
  • Fire ,explosion and lightening protection
  • Good adaptability to severe weather and environments
  • Anti-detection and anti-jamming
  • Freely and concealed arrangement
  • Video and acousto-optic linkage
  • Logic identification of double protection





The sensing component of all-fiber perimeter alarm system is sensing cable,which is intended to monitor the climbing,cutting and walking by touching.Squeezing and fast vibration.The sensing cable has special core layer and jacket,which can ensure the normal use of the product without affecting by the external climate and harsh environment .

When transmitting the optical signal into the fiber ,the system software will then process the phase position receiving the optical signal;and when the sensing cable is interfered or vibration,the transmission patterns of optical signal will change.

The touch,vibration or squeezing would lead to the form interference,and thus cause the phase changes of optical signal.The system software receivers performs the phase change detection,which is capable of detecting the interference intensity and type,and process the detected signal,while determine whether the interference consistent with conditions of trigger 'event'.


System introduction and architecture:

This is a system using fiber interference principle and distributed sensing and analyzing the change of light in optical fiber set in the detected area,this system can judge the specific objectives.These fibers are set in the ground,wall and fence and have the ability to respond differently to different disturb,such as intrusion,shining and digging,and then alarm workers and make a warning.By the help of some modern monitors,video and audio data will be removed.



  • The host setting in the controlling center room consist of a IPC host ,the center host ,and a transfer box
  • The detection part consist of lead-in cable,sensor cable and front light processing unit


    National defense ,army,judicature,public security,government agency,border

  • Hightest security level,most advanced and reliable technology is required.
  • Adaptable devices are needed to meet the complex and changeable environment,geographical conditions and climate.
  • Low degree of dependence for power to meet the situation of long distance of borderline.
  • Prevent detection and take over to prevent destroyed.
  • Voice monitoring in certain places.
  • Airport ,petrochemical factory,gas factory,wind power station,mine lot

  • Anti-interference devices are needed to work regularly in complex wireless environment.
  • Low degree of dependency for power to meet the situation of long distance of borderline.
  • The extensiveness of area makes it difficult for workers to check,so monitor devices such as video,broadcast and lighting system are required;
  • High demand for fireproofing,anti-explosion and lightning proof.
  • The system should have the ability to prevent the intrusion from water area for it maybe set along the coast.
  • Armory ,oil storage ,storage of high value,unattended power station

  • High demand for fireproofing,anti-explosion and lightning proof.
  • The ability of automatic and remote view is requires for the few workers condition.
  • Prison,detention house ,museum,special occasion

  • Multiple lines of security is needed and the properties of self-conceal,vandal-proof,low power dependence are needed.
  • Time-phased detection in important area.
  • Most demand for self-conceal and anti-interference The system should have the ability of voice monitoring in high quality..
  • Oil and gas pipeline,communication lines

  • The ability of anti-destroy is requires for the few-workers and long distance condition to make the oil and information safe.
  • Adaptable devices are needed to meet the complex and changeable environment ,geographical conditions and climate.


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