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Micro Hybrid Fiber Components
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Micro Hybrid Fiber Components

Micro Hybrid Fiber Components used for EDFA development

  • Product Code:MHFC
  • Item:Micro Hybrid Fiber Compon
  • Brand:OELABS


Unique Features

Micro hybrid fiber components at ø2.5mm(≤ 20)mm, including 2in1 and 3in1

Suitable for communication fiber, small bending loss fiber (80µm)

Low insertion loss, low TDL, low PDL, low WDL, and low PMD

Operation temperature -5~70℃,storage temperature -40~85℃

High stability and high reliability

Main Applications

Mini EDFA for optical communication WDM systems

Mini EDFA for optical communication access network

Mini EDFA for fiber testing instruments

Mini EDFA for fiber sensing systems

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