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400~1100nm Si PIN Photoreceiver
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400~1100nm Si PIN Photoreceiver

  • Product Code:OE-PRM-411
  • Item:OE-PRM-411
  • Brand:OELABS

      Key Features

  •  Spectral Range 200-3600nm
  •  3dB Band-width Max. 40GHz
  •  Rise time Min.<7ps
  •  Integrates current-to-voltage amplifier
  •  Low noise, high gain
  •  φ20mm Adapter for optical antenna
  •  M4 adapter for the M4 post mounts
  •  Single power supply DC 12V
  •  Dimensions

47x42x20mmFiber connector

47x42x26mmFree space connector

  •  SMA output
  •  Can be customized

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